Inicio » Barnstable County » Sandwich town » For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell Tolls, Sandwich town, MA For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Servicios cercanos a For Whom the Bell Tolls

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  • Aparcamientos - 107m
    Quaker Meetinghouse Road, 324
    Teléfono: 508-888-0209
    Huge free, paved & public parking area for Corpus Christi Parish, Parish grounds & 24/7/365 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. Corpus Christi Parish was the first Catholic church on Cape Cod opening in 1830.


  • office - 125m
    Corpus Christi Parish (Office) (christian - catholic)
    Quaker Meeting House Road, 324 02537 East Sandwich
    Teléfono: 508-888-0209
    This building houses the Corpus Christi Parish office & is where church related meetings & events are held.. Corpus Christi Parish was the first Catholic church on Cape Cod opening in 1830.
  • oficinas de entidades religiosas - 125m
    Corpus Christi Parish (Office) (christian - catholic)
    Quaker Meeting House Road, 324 02537 East Sandwich
    Teléfono: 508-888-0209
    This building houses the Corpus Christi Parish office & is where church related meetings & events are held.. Corpus Christi Parish was the first Catholic church on Cape Cod opening in 1830.

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